Our E-coder and F-coder technology is developed and engineering in Australia. It is simple and reliable. It can be used in very dusty, high humility and hot weather conditions. Ongoing research and develop program guarantee the technologies we use are the best.
Best Value For Money
Our encoder technology is developed and engineering in Australia.
We guarantee to supply good quality products at a very low price.
Industrial Commercial Gate Motors
DIGIWAY supply Industrial and Commercial Gate Motors Australia Wide.
We also supply and install Residential Sliding and Swing Gate Motors.
Service and Repairs
Repair and service all model of gate motors especially on inverter driven gate motor
Industrial automatic door
and Garage door repairs
Digiway Supply/Service Residential Gate Motors and Industrial Gate Motors
Request a Quote or Services
Digiway Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9973 8999
Mob: 0401 685 052
Email: digiwayptyltd@gmail.com
Email: sales@digiway.com.au
Email: digiway@digiway.com.au
Web: www.digiway.com.au
Address: 29, 12-20 James Court,
Tottenham, VIC 3012
Digiway Supply and Services
- Residential Gate Motors
- Industrial Gate Motors
We recommend that automatic gate motor and gate are serviced at least every 6 months.